The Chocolate is Hotter in Phoenix

Disclaimer: I received an entry to the Hot Chocolate 15k Phoenix to review as part of being a BibRave Pro. Learn more about becoming a BibRave Pro (ambassador) and check out to review find and write race reviews!

This year marked my third year running the Hot Chocolate 15k and was my second year running it in Phoenix. I am not exaggerating when I say this is one of the race weekends I look forward to the most every year. Why, you ask? Starting with the expo, you immediately get into the festive spirit as everyone is in a great mood, most likely because they are handing out as much free chocolate as you can eat! The chocolate fondue with marshmallow dippers and delectable hot chocolate are the perfect way to get a kick-start on carb loading! I always have to practice serious self-control at the expo as I could easily take down a dozen of each! The streak of awesome finisher swag continued this year with a super comfy hoodie that has two separate zipper pockets, which is super handy to store pre-run items!

This year was extra sweet as I received my legacy gift of a golden mug and hot chocolate bomb for running this series 3 years. I always appreciate when race organizations recognize loyal runners who return year after year! I was also able to meet up with three of my fellow BibRave Pros throughout the race weekend. One of the best parts of being in the BibRave program is the fellow ambassadors, as everyone is always so nice!

After collecting my bib, hoodie, and consuming my daily allotment of sugar I wandered around downtown Phoenix for a bit and finished up my Christmas shopping in the surrounding area. I absolutely love the Phoenix area, so I pretty much spend most of my time outside when I visit. It’s similar in climate to Vegas, however there is something special about Phoenix that I can’t quite pinpoint. A quick dinner downtown later and off to bed, which unfortunately was a very rough night with maybe 4 hours of sleep.

I didn’t let my poor sleep damper my mood though, I eagerly walked down to the start area on the brisk and sunny Phoenix morning. The 5k had already started when I arrived and they were announcing the finishers coming across the line, which helped me get hyped for my 15k! There were plenty of port-a-potties at the venue, which as runners we all know is always a major plus!

It was a chilly but gorgeous start but once we began weaving through downtown Phoenix it quickly warmed up. This is a mostly flat course that winds through the streets of downtown Phoenix before the 15k splits off for an up and over on a bridge around mile 6.5. It can be an unexpected surprise for first timers, but thankfully I remembered what to expect from last year. There is another uphill right at mile 9, uphill finishes are not my fave but this one isn’t bad as long as you keep some gas in the tank. I was surprised that I was able to beat my previous course record by over 4 minutes on such little sleep, I guess I was running on pure adrenaline!

After crossing the finish line you get to collect a sweet medal and the prized chocolate fondue and dippers- yum! The hot chocolate is seriously some of the best I’ve had, I could drink mugs of it! They have a DJ playing to keep the vibe up and plenty of backdrops to snap a quick picture.

This race has become one of my favorites as it is such a fun and positive vibe from start to finish! Special call out to the spectators and volunteers, they are all super friendly and energized! I am already planning for my return next year and look forward to crushing my CR again, hopefully with a restful night of sleep this time!